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Compucon Blade Server Print
September 2011
  • 7U 19" rack space (736mm depth)
  • One enclosure accommodates 10 blades maximum (A separate series called Departmental Series is for 14 blades)
  • We normally supply the enclosure with 2 modules of high efficiency 93% power supply units as a base configuration, out of the max of four.  Each PSU is rated 1400W. The modules provide N-1 redundancy. For example, 3 modules provide 2800W.
  • We normally supply one management module with the enclosure as a base configuration for 5 blades.  The management module provides IPMI, KVM and Virtual Media over IP features.
  • We normally supply one pass-through GbE module as a base configuration for 5 blades providing 10 GbE ports to the outside world. An option is available to upgrade this pass-through module to a 20 port GbE Switch.


SuperBlade Enclosure
SuperBlade PSU
SuperBlade Module
 Managementmodule Chassis Management Module

SuperBlade by Compucon offers many unique advantages that differentiate it from competitors' products and traditional rack-mount arrangements.  Customer benefits include reduced management costs, lower power consumption, highest computing density and highest level of scalability.  In some situations, SuperBlade by Compucon reduces customer's capital expenditure as well.
There are 2 steps in specifying a SuperBlade server:
Step 1 is on the Blade Enclosure. 
Step 2 is on the Blade Module.  
One blade enclosure takes 10 blades modules.  It is OK to purchase the Blade Enclosure with 1 to 10 blade modules. 

Contact This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it for further information and pricing by stating your operational background and requirements for blade servers.  We will get back to you very soon.