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Compucon in North Harbour Business Expo on 15 May 2014 Print
April 2014
We would like to invite all friends of Compucon and all members of North Harbour Business Association to visit this event, and in particular, the Compucon shows.

The event is organized by North Harbour Business Association to be held in North Harbour Stadium ASB Lounge on 15 May 2014 Thursday from 10:30am to 5:30pm.  It is intended to be a snapshot of the variety of businesses located in North Harbour Industrial Estate and it is open to the public.  For complete info of the event and its organizer, please click here

To view the infromation handed out at the Expo by Compucon please follow the link on the left. This PDF contains infromation on the SKA Telescope and Video Anayltics.

The Compucon stand is at location 1 and 2, which faces the business lounge for max event atmosphere. 
Expo Floor Plan
Compucon in North Harbour Stadium NHBA Expo on 16 May 2013 Print
May 2013
We would like to invite all friends of Compucon and all members of North Harbour Business Association to visit this event, and in particular, the Compucon shows.

The event is organized by North Harbour Business Association to be held in North Harbour Stadium ASB Lounge on 16 May 2013 Thursday from 10am to 6:30pm.  It is intended to be a snapshot of the variety of businesses located in North Harbour Industrial Estate and it is open to the public.  For complete info of the event and its organizer, please click here

To view the infromation handed out at the Expo by Compucon please follow the link on the left. This PDF contains infromation on the SKA Telescope and Video Anayltics.

The Compucon stand is at location 1,2 and 6, which faces the business lounge for max event atmosphere.  

Compucon in North Harbour Stadium NHBA Expo on 17 May 2012 Print
April 2012
We would like to invite all friends of Compucon and all members of North Harbour Business Association to visit this event, and in particular, the Compucon shows.

The event is organized by North Harbour Business Association to be held in North Harbour Stadium ASB Lounge on 17 May 2012 Thursday from 10:30am to 6:30pm.  It is intended to be a snapshot of the variety of businesses located in North Harbour Industrial Estate and it is open to the public.  For complete info of the event and its organizer, please click here

The Compucon stand is at location 1 and 2, which faces the stadium field for maximum visibility and a business lounge for max event atmosphere.  Compucon will also speak in Seminar Room #2 at 4:15pm and 5:00pm.  Please see the event floor plan to see where you can find Compucon. 
School ICT Forum on 28 May 2007 Print
May 2007

Venue: Compucon House, 234 Bush Road Albany Auckland
1:00- 1:30pm Reception
1:30- 2:15pm Ministry Actions Update
2:15- 3:00pm Budgeting for Sustainability
3:15- 4:00pm Imminent Server Technologies
4:00- 4:30pm Extra Remote Support for Network Administrators

This forum is reserved for schools only.  If you wish to attend, please give the name of your school, names of attendees and their roles in school to This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it   stating School ICT Forum on the email subject line.

Channel Technology Briefing on 28 May 2007 Print
May 2007

Venue: Compucon House, 234 Bush Road Albany Auckland
5:00- 5:30pm Snack Food Reception
5:30- 6:15pm Microsoft Software Directions
6:15- 6:45pm Global IT Industry Trends
6:45- 7:30pm Compucon Roadmaps

This forum is reserved for Compucon channel members only.  If you are not a channel member and wish to attend, please give the name of your organization, your name and role to This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it   stating Channel Technology Briefing on the email subject line.

CNZ School of IT Professional Development Print
November 1999

pdf 2005 Q1 CNZ School Flyer.pdf 

Compucon promotes fitness for purpose and total cost of ownership of information technology for businesses. Fundamental to the two goals are technical knowledge, work methodology and ethics of practice. These elements are rarely given due consideration in the industry and as a consequence many IT implementations were not done properly resulting in loss of revenue and opportunities at the outset for businesses. To address the deficiencies observed, CNZ started offering training courses to IT industry channel partners. To be exact, CNZ has taken over a Compucon Authorised Professional (CAP) course as the basis that has been run since 1995 and has helped hundreds of IT practitioners understand hardware system design concepts. Other new courses have since been designed and added to the training portfolio as shown on this datasheet.